2017: Recap, Reflection, and What's To Come

Whoa, whoa, whoa! I cannot believe that the new year is only four days away! And though 2017 hasn't been the best year ever, considering it has definitely hit some ultimate lows, it has also had some great highs too. From the #MeToo movement empowering women to Prince Harry proposing to Meghan Markle, 2017 really did have some positive points minus the cloud of negativity overshadowing it. So, hopefully, 2018 will end this cycle of negativity and will continue the positive aspects of 2017, which I think we'd all agree that we need. (Not to mention, the new year starts on a Monday, so what better time to rejuvenate and make positive changes?!)


As many of my long time readers know, 2017 has not been an easy year for me either. Early this year, someone I cared for, and still care for, deeply, ended our romantic relationship, and though we are now still friends, the breakup was not easy on either of us. And as a result of this I took a hiatus from blogging to just do me for much of the first half of the year. However, after spending sometime traveling and practicing a great amount of self-love along with positive thinking, I came back to the blogging game and my blog is now stronger than ever and is continuing to grow rapidly (more on this in the "what's to come" section of this post)! So, much like the year 2017, I myself have had some low points, but I feel the high points have surpassed them, so I just wanted to take a moment to recap my "Best Nine" of 2017, and share what I have planned for the new year.

Lovely In Lace (Feat. StyleWe)


My top ranking post this year was actually this little number from StyleWe, who has now been one of my sponsors for over a year now, and I actually have some more upcoming collaborations with them next year. Which thrills me because I'm sure you know from my past posts that I absolutely adore their clothing. 

Autumn Hues (Feat. StyleWe) 


Speaking of StyleWe, my next top ranking post was actually of this fabulous dress from them as well! As you can see, I'm sure it was a favorite due to its lush color and assmetrical cut.

Summer Vacation Style Guide 2017


My next follower favorite was actually my style guide when I showed off my vacation packing list for my trip to New Orleans this summer. 

Partnership With Sally Hansen

Next up, if you follow me on Instagram I'm sure you saw my post about my exciting collaboration with Sally Hansen and you got to see my awesome manicure featuring their new InstaDry nail polish.

Elegance Underneath (Feat. PPZ Lingerie)


My fifth highest ranking post was actually my partnership with PPZ, which featured this gorgeous set of lingerie plus a kick-ass body positive message.

Style Steals & Holiday Deals 


Much like every year, my holiday steals and deals posts are always a hit! So I wasn't surprised to see that this flat lay made the list.

Warm & Fuzzy (Feat. SheIn + Rocksbox)


My next ranking post, featuring two of my longtime sponsors SheIn and Rocksbox, took the seventh spot in my Best Nine. And I have to say that though these two sponsors have been with me since the very beginning, I'm still thrilled to continue to work and partner with both of these wonderful companies.

Holiday Gift Guide


Much like my holiday steals posts, gift guides have also always taken a top spot and the year 2017 is no different! Aside from featuring some new sponsors.

Let's Get Knit Started (Feat. StyleWe)


Last but not least, my final photo in my Best Nine is yet again, another lovely dress from StyleWe.

What's To Come for Stark Raving Chic in 2018

Even though 2017 had a few ups and downs, I have to say after looking back at all my achievements (along with some non-blog related ones such as going back to college and getting a 4.1 GPA after my hard work this semester), 2017 actually wasn't all that bad of a year and I am so happy with how far my blog has come and am looking forward to it continuing to grow. So, what's next?

Well, starting next year, now that I am more acclimated to being back in the grind of college, I plan on going back to posting once a week opposed to biweekly because I missed writing (and all of you) tons! So, going into the new year and next semester I am working on managing my time better and have re-broken out my trusty editorial calendar to keep me better organized. And speaking of blogging and staying organized, due to the high demand for more blogging tips posts, I will also be trying to do more tutorial style/blogging for beginners posts along with my typical style posts.

And lastly, along with adding more insight about how to blog successfully and keeping organized, I also have a bunch of exciting new material that I will be sharing with you all within the next year. These things will be ranging from some awesome new collaborations, along with some more lifestyle/travel posts, and to top it off, you know there might even be a giveaway (or two!!).  And of course, I will be continuing to work with my favorite sponsors, so you'll be seeing new material from them too!

Needless to say I am so stoked for 2018 and am looking forward to what's to come. But I would also like to take a moment to thank all of my followers, readers, and loved ones, because without you guys I wouldn't be the success that I am today. So thank you all, and I wish you the happiest new year!

What are you guys excited for in 2018? Let's chat about it in the comments below or you can tweet me at @StarkRavingChic. And be sure to follow me on Instagram at @StarkRavingChic to stay updated on all my latest posts. Later, babes!

Xx, Bree

Blogging Hiatus: 2017

Hi everybody! Though I really was not planning on taking a hiatus this year (And don't worry, I won't be gone for months on end like my last hiatus, I'll just be away for 10 days!)  but due to some recent emotional trauma, I feel that it is best to take a short break and regroup. Though this is a hard time for me, I assure you all that I will be okay, and am trying to remain positive though I am currently devastated and heartbroken. I just need sometime to heal and get my head back in the game. So I'll see you all in a little over a week. Later babes, I can't wait to get back on track!

Xx, Bree

rewardStyle + LIKEtoKNOW.it : How To Use It

For those of you who have been reading my blog since at least last month, I'm sure you have noticed that in my little post script notes, I mention two of my affiliates rewardStyle and LIKEtoKNOW.it. I'm sure you've also been wondering what's up with the little heart emblems that have been showing up in the corners of my more recent Instagram posts:

So, even though I generally leave you guys little links that takes you to each party's respective page, I've never actually went over what each of them are and how to use them, and due to some recent changes to LIKEtoKNOW.it (like, they have an app now!) I figured I would do a quick little post about this topic today, just to clear some things up!

First of all, what is LIKEtoKNOW.it?

For you non-blogging readers, LIKEtoKNOW.it is an awesome service that is here solely to make your life easier (or your shopping addiction worse--but I promise, I'm not judging!). The thing that makes LIKEtoKNOW.it so nifty is that if you see a photo of mine on Instagram that you just absolutely adore, whether it be an outfit or lifestyle post, all you need to do is "like" my photo and you will have my whole outfit/post content delivered to your email inbox complete with shoppable links! How does this magic work you ask? It's easy! Just follow these steps below:

  1. Head on over to www.liketoknow.it and watch the little tutorial video that pops up when you first enter the website, just so you can get a quick feel for how to use the service.
  2. Next, if you decide that this awesome shopping tool is for you, simply register and set up an account--this is 100% free, by the way.
  3. Next, you can start liking mine as well as other blogger's Instagram posts who are sponsored by LIKEtoKNOW.it and get the shopping deets delivered right to your inbox within five minutes!
  4. You can also shop directly from LIKEtoKNOW.it via your "my likes" or "my screenshots" (I'll get to that exciting news next!) tab, or if you want to shop a specific bloggers feed, all you need to do is add their handle after LIKEtoKNOW.it's website (E.G. to shop mine you would go to www.liketoknow.it/starkravingchic, or you can just click here!)
  5. Lastly, LIKEtoKNOW.it also has an app now with new screenshot technology that allows you to shop your screenshots! All you need to do is screenshot photos that you like on social media (As well as all over the mobile web!), and  the app will send a push notification to your phone with all of the shoppable links in one place — no matter what platform or site your screenshot comes from. Pretty rad, right?

So now that I gave my non-blogging dolls all the details that they need to use LIKEtoKNOW.it, I'm sure my fellow blogger babes want to know how they can become a member and utilize it as well, and here's how!

LIKEtoKNOW.it For Bloggers

So I gotta admit that utilizing LIKEtoKNOW.it as a blogger isn't quite as simple as it is for our audience. In order to make your own posts shoppable through LIKEtoKNOW.it, you first have to apply as an influencer through the company rewardStyle. And though I can't tell you the exact steps as to how to get accepted in to the program, here are a few tips of my own:

  1. Quality not quantity: Though this is something that I covered in my blogiversary post last month, I have to stress that quality writing is more important than the quantity of your posts. Sure, you can write 5 posts a week, but if they are riddled with grammar and spelling errors, or have little depth, they won't be attention grabbing, thus making them unimpressive to brands and/or potential sponsors. Which leads me to my next point...
  2. Consistency: This is a topic I actually covered last week in my editorial calendar post, and much like providing your readers with a consistent schedule, brands like to see that as well. Like I said last week, don't post non stop for seven days and then go silent for three months without warning or explanation, simply because it can make you lose readers and make potential sponsors/brands question your ability to stay on schedule.
  3. Quality Photos: Another point I covered in my blogiversary post, but still is just every bit as important here and that is quality photography! If your photos look sloppy and poorly put together, chances are brands will think that is how all of your work is and will not want you representing them.
  4. Professionalism: Lastly, one thing I have noticed about rewardStyle is they seem to consistently work with blogs that are clearly treated like a business. Sure, sure, I slip up and have an occasional curse word in my writing, but never to the extent of throwing them around in every post. This also goes hand in hand with yet another point I made in my last blogiversary post, and that is be kind to your fellow bloggers and radiate positivity. Nobody wants to work with a grump.

So everybody, do you use LIKEtoKNOW.it or are you a member of rewardStyle? Let's chat about it in the comment section below, or you can tweet me about it at @StarkRavingChic. Later, babes!

Xx, Bree