Wardrobe Versatility, The Real Reason I Love Fall


Ah, Fall. Blissful walks in the park, the sound of crunching leaves under our feet, jack-o’-lanterns, and pumpkin spice everything (the nonfat latte with a shot of espresso being my favorite) you know, 'tis the season. Like every other 20 something girl I can sit here and list all the things I love about fall, but instead I'm going to tell you my absolute favorite thing about fall, which is, wardrobe versatility.

If you are anything like me, your closet is undoubtedly overflowing with summer clothing that is getting ready to be packed away so you can bring out your fall and winter wardrobe. Well, while doing just this I realized I had entirely too many clothes and after neatly folding what seemed to be an endless pile of floral, linen, and camisoles, it hit me: Instead of buying all those new clothes and hardly ever wearing them (I mean seriously, an Urban Outfitters paisley kimono?) why didn’t I use some of my favorite fall pieces to dress up one of my summer outfits?  And not only can these great fall staple pieces be worn year round, they are also versatile and can give you a bunch of different looks, with the same basic pieces, which are: a white fitted cotton blouse, black high waisted skirt, cardigan, and of course a tailored blazer.

Fit For Any Situation

Okay I know these two are similar in color scheme but what can I say, I’m a sucker for monotone. So why do you need a white fitted blouse in your fall wardrobe? Simply because this piece looks good in any situation, ranging from the office or fun filled night out on the town. Also the reason I suggest a fitted blouse is simply because it will get more wear, it looks great out, and also neat and tidy tucked in!

Love a Little Black Dress? Try A Little Black Skirt

The reason I love this piece opposed to a LBD is because it can be down played for a fun daytime date or dressed up for a special occasion, not to mention the extra fullness of the skirt really gives it some flirty flare. The other reason I’m loving this piece is that, this season two piece dress sets have been huge as well as all year (even celebrities like Taylor Swift have jumped on the band wagon), whether they match or are miss-matched. So though this isn’t quite a two piece dress, it can still totally give you the same affect. Much like how I styled it in my second photo.  

Cable Knit & Comfy


I have to admit, this one is my favorite on this list and that’s because it can literally be worn with anything, and that is why you need a cardigan in your wardrobe. I would suggest picking a neutral color such as black, brown, navy or cream, or be like me and have all four colors so you have a fully stocked arsenal of them!

Not Blustery Enough For a Peacoat? Grab a Blazer 


The best thing about a blazer is it can be all business or add a fun edgy look to your weekend outfit. I mean with the perfect blazer you can make your favorite jeans dressy, party dresses polished, and when tailored and fitted just right, it makes any woman of any shape just look downright fabulous.

Care to share how you keep your wardrobe versatile? Please tell me all about it! Either comment or drop me tweet (retweet included!) at @StarkRavingChic