Dose of Vitamin F: 10 Fun & Creative Date Ideas

Ah, February is upon us and everyone knows what that means: Valentine's Day. And though I personally don't commemorate the holiday by going on a date (Okay, maybe if James and I were on the same continent I would but that is not the case, though in all fairness I'm sure him an I will be having a Skype date.) I know most of us do. This leaves many of us pondering what we could possibly do to make the night special, and that doesn't include going to dinner and a movie.

So for my most recent article on Dose of Vitamin F, I decided to compile a list of fun and creative dates that you can try out this Valentine's day! Looking for something fun to do with your other half this Valentine's Day? Head over to Dose and check out my list here!

Love any of these date ideas? Tell me about it in the comments below or in the comments on Dose

Dose of Vitamin F: Delicious Recipes That Are Actually Good For You

In light of the new year and all the resolutions to get and stay healthy, this month on Dose of Vitamin F I decided to write a little article about easy to make, healthy meal options! On my list of 10 recipes, each one is under 500 calories and take under an hour to prepare! Just as a sneak peek, here's a photo of my fave recipe on the list:

Curious to know what the photo is above and what the 10 recipes are? Click HERE to check out my post and all the recipes in full! Have a favorite on the list or your own healthy recipe you'd like to share? Feel free to comment below or in the comment section on Dose, I'd love to hear your thoughts!

Xx, Bree


Dose of Vitamin F: Holiday Gift List

Hi everyone, I can't believe it's already December 1st! With the Christmas season right around the corner I bet everyone can use a little gift-spiration, so in my latest article for Dose of Vitamin F, I've put together a list of 10 fabulous items that can be bought for both men and women.

Wanna read about these great pieces above and find out where you can purchase them? Click over to my article on Dose of Vitamin F for all the deets!